Do you want to work with children and believe that they are independent and eager to learn? Then this is a course for you! It is given in cooperation with AMI, Association Montessori Internationale. After graduating you can work in Montessori preschools all over the world.
What makes this course special?
In the prepared Montessori environment children get to independently discover, explore and learn at their own pace. The Montessori teacher guides through this process, by giving presentations. By taking our course you’ll get the tools and methods you need to be a competent Montessori teacher. The course offers you
- an international network and an international diploma which gives you the opportunity to work and further educate yourself internationally
- theoretical, as well as practical, knowledge of the Montessory philosophy and pedagogy
- 700 hours of lectures, presentations, discussions, material making and laboratory work that ensures that the knowledge stays with you
- an understanding of what both children and adults need to grow and develop
- guidance from experienced trainers to produce the material and manuals you’ll use in your work with the children.
International AMI Diploma
If you have 90 % attendence and get passing grades on all mandatory parts of the course you get an international AMI Diploma. With the diploma you can work at Montessori preschools all over the world, or start your own. The mandatory parts consist of:
- written and oral exams
- observation and work placement at Montessori preschools
- essays
- Montessori materials and manuals.
Course content
During the course you will have lectures and workshops and observation and work placement at any AMI-approved Montessori preschools in the world. The extensive lectures give you insight into the fundamental elements of Dr. Montessori’s philosophy and approach regarding the education and upbringing of children. During the workshops you get presentations and do excersises with special Montessori materials. It is with this material the children develop their ability to concentrate, as well as explore and learn about the practical life, language, culture, maths and natural science. During your observation and work placement you get to see Montessori’s theories and methods put into practice and start practising them yourself under the guidance of AMI trained directors.
Course language
Lectures and literature are in English. You can write tests, assignments and essays in English, Swedish, Finnish or German. Your observation and work placement can be done at AMI-approved preschools anywhere in the world in any language.
Requirements to start the course
You must have completed upper secondary education and a B2-level proficiency in English to start the course. Having worked at a well-functioning Montessori school is considered an asset, as is a professional degree as a nurse, primary or elemantary school teacher, physician etc.